Saç Ekimi

What is a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is the ideal, natural, and permanent solution for people who suffer from every hair loss or baldness problem. This surgical process includes, removing or harvesting hair follicles from one part of the body, called the ‘donor site’, to balding parts of the body known as the ‘recipient site’, and implanting those healthy hair follicles by microsurgical methods in areas where hair follicles are no longer active and hair loss occurs. The purpose of our fully equipped hospital ”Avicenna Health Group”, is to give a permanent solution to hair loss, and any other problem as well.

Hair transplantation in Turkey is a simple surgery, but an accurate one, so for that reason, the safest way to do it, is in the hospital environment by specialized doctors and highly experienced teams in hair implantation aspects, and this is what you will find at Avicenna Health Group’. which will give you a permanent, healthy and natural appearance of the implanted hair as if your hair has never fallen out

Hair Transplant History

There are many unsuccessful procedures in hair transplantation history ..and all those failed experiences have led us today to achieve the best wonderful results that we use today. In light of the latest technologies and experiences, excellent results are obtained in hair transplants. The history of hair transplantation goes back to 1882 when the operation was performed by a person named (Diegonbach) for the first time. Later, in 1926, (Hunt Kilgen) transplanted hair to the parts that were balding. Based on this, in 1931 (Bassot) applied Kilgen’s theory of hair transplantation. The modern technologies that we use today are possible due to the developments that took place in 1952.

mostly during these years, grafts were used for the first time. Then, in 1971, the use of square grafts was made. In 1984, it was noted that more successful results were obtained. This year was very important in terms of hair transplant history and played a major role in diversifying techniques. Several methods and techniques were developed during this year, such as scalp lifts, precise scalp grafting, and others. It is mostly used in recent years in hair transplantation in Istanbul, but the FUE technique compared to other methods, is a useful method where the patient does not feel pain.

Who is suitable for Hair Transplant?

Today, 50% of men over age 50, suffer from hair loss problems. Therefore, hair transplantation is more common among men. However, hair loss is not limited to men only, but also to women. Hair transplantation is done for both women who suffer from hair fall and thinning problems which gives them a less volume appearance.

Why hair fall happens and what is the reason?

Genetic traits are among the most important causes of hair fall and loss. However, it can also occur as a result of ageing, medical conditions, Hormonal disorders, nutritional deficiencies, stress, or various traumatic injuries. Hair transplantation is successfully applied to all people who have sufficient hair follicles in the donor area. Successfully applying the transplant method not only on the scalp but also on other areas of the body such as eyebrows, moustache, and/or beard.

What is a hair plantation? How do you transplant hair?

It is the action of transplanting the hair follicles taken from the back area of the head where the hair is dense (known as the graft) to the parts where the hair is scarce, with an appropriate operation. Sometimes there may not be enough hair in the back area of the head, so the surgeon will take hair follicles from other areas of the body that contain dense hair such as the chest or arms. The application takes a few hours, depending on the size of the bald area and the hair transplant technique which is preferred. Transplant operations are performed on an outpatient basis, under local anaesthesia with/or mild sedation (if required).

However, on average, a hair transplant process takes about 4 to 8 hours. When the bald area is very large, several sessions are required to complete the treatment. A special bandage is placed on the head after hair transplantation surgery. Discharging after 1-2 hours. Although the pain rarely occurs, and if so, the doctor will prescribe painkillers. In general, it is possible to resume working without encountering any problems in 2 days.

What are Hair Transplant methods?

At Avicenna Hospital, the best methods of hair follicle transplant surgery are applied, which include the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique, which takes place in a single long session or multiple small sessions. This procedure is more time-consuming than strip surgery. The time varies according to the surgeon’s experience in harvesting and patient characteristics. With this method, the hair roots are taken one by one and are transplanted in the areas that have lost or do not contain hair, there is no linear incision on the back of the head, and the patient must have healthy hair roots in the donor areas, sometimes when there are not enough roots in the back area of the head, it can be taken from the chest and arms as well.

Other factors affect the results of hair transplant, such as; the patient’s hair characteristics which include color, shape, volume, and density. The applied method is detected after the patient’s hair and skin analysis. Most patients prefer the above method which does not leave a linear scar, unlike the strip method which leaves permanent and visible scars. but other methods can be applied in hair transplantation such as FUE Sapphire, and DHI. Also, hair transplantation is not only for those who suffer from baldness but also for increasing hair volume in areas where hair growth is slowed.

What is the main factor in hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is a serious surgical application. To reduce the risks of this surgery, it must be performed in a hospital environment, where the best results can be obtained by well-trained and experienced plastic surgeons and medical teams. For hair transplantation to be successful, the graft is taken from an area destined to be permanently hair-bearing and transplanted to an area suffering from baldness patterns, it will, after the harvesting period, grow hair in its new site as long as it would have at its original site. Hair must be implanted at the correct distance, angle, and density in the balding areas.

Does the transplanted hair fall out after Hair Transplantation?

Approximately one to two weeks after the hair transplantation, the hair starts to fall out. During this shedding process, patients may be concerned about their hair implants being completely shed. But there is no need to worry about it. Hair loss after planting, called shock loss, is a common process and is seen in every patient, but it is not permanent. Shedding hair replaces more strong and healthy hair. Because it will grow again after 3-4 months.

What are the risks of unconscious hair transplantation?

Like any other medical intervention, hair transplantation may involve some risks if it is not performed in the right environment and by a specialized team. However, if hair transplantation is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon in a hospital environment, complications rarely occur. Therefore, if the hair transplantation operation is performed successfully, there will be no shedding in the transplanted hair. Hair transplantation is a long application and depending on the degree of baldness, several transplants may be required throughout one to two years. Although extremely rare, complications such as infection and marked scarring may be observed. Pain, discomfort, some bruising, and swelling can be noticed, which can be controlled with some painkillers after the operation. In the graft and transplanted areas, numbness may occur which is normal and will disappear spontaneously within 2-3 months.

Is hair transplantation a cosmetic or a medical procedure?

Hair transplantation is a medical procedure, but its aesthetic side is more important. A hair transplant process is performed on men or women who experience hair loss or thinning hair, or who have bald spots on their scalp, the graft hair implanting is a precise medical procedure and plastic surgery as well.

Who can have hair transplantation?

A hair transplant can be performed on anyone who has suffered from hair loss for various reasons, including men with male pattern baldness, women with thinning hair anyone who has lost some hair from a burn or scalp injury starting in age 19-20 unless they have a physiological disease that prevents hair transplant surgery

Am I a good candidate for hair transplantation?

If you have:

  • completed your physical development
  • do not have any physiological disease that prevents hair implantation
  • a sufficient number of hair follicles in the donor area on your head
  • if you have healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head to serve as donor areas.
  • if you have experienced male pattern hair loss.
  • lost part of their hair as a result of accidents or burns, or as a result of the disease
  • Hair transplantation is also applied successfully in women who come with hair thinning or hair loss problems due to genetic factors. For women, the old techniques are not used because it includes cutting and shaving the whole hair, also the short-term scars on the head cause women to refuse to use these techniques. However, with the developing technologies of hair transplant in Turkey, hair implants can be performed without having to cut or shave the hair. For this reason, the number of women coming to Istanbul for hair transplants is increasing day by day. All that you need to know about hair plantation and all the details of hair surgery will be explained to you by the surgeon.

Does the transplanted hair look natural?

To have a natural look after hair transplantation, some factors should be considered, and that is including; The operation should be performed by specialists and experts in the hair transplant operations performed in the right healthcare institution. The transplanted hair should grow in the same angle and direction as natural hair.

With Avicenna hair transplant clinic the level of hair implants is done to mimic natural hair appearance and growth, which will not be recognized that you have transplanted any. With the FUE Sapphire and DHI transplantation techniques, your hair will look 100% natural. An average person has 100 hairs per 1 cm square. With new techniques, we can fit 80 follicles, or hair strands, in 1 cm square and the transplanted hair should grow in the same angle and direction as natural hair. Front hairline design is taken into consideration as well, to achieve the closest result and image of the patient’s dream appearance.

How is the hairline determined?

The hairline is an anatomical line. It is determined according to the natural hair border from the area where the forehead tissue ends and hair texture begins. When designing the hairline, attention should be paid to the face shape of the patient. The unnatural front hairline design causes hair transplantation to look artificial. When this line is calculated, the physical characteristics of the person should be taken into account. After transplanting, the front hairline should be designed to fit the head and face shape to make the hair look natural.

Nevertheless, the angle and the direction of hair growth must be determined correctly. If the space in the frontline hair is too far in, the person continues to look bald. The finish line of the hair should be adjusted according to the age and facial structure of the person.

How is Hair Transplant surgery performed?

A hair transplant is a permanent solution for baldness and severe hair loss, It can be applied to anyone experiencing baldness and permanent hair loss regardless of gender. Regarding this, the outcomes held by this operation are lifelong. Hair transplant surgery is done with microsurgical tools and performed under local anaesthesia or mild sedation.

Thus there is nothing to worry about pain. It includes adding more hair follicles/roots to an area on your head that may be thinning or balding. It’s done by taking hair from thicker parts of the scalp, or other parts of the body that have sufficient hair amount, and grafting it to the thinning or balding section of the scalp. taking into consideration the direction, angle, and density of hair growth. Grafts in the donor area are collected with great care. Canals are opened to transport the collected hair follicles to the balding areas.

Thanks to sophisticated hair transplant techniques like FUE and DHI with the developed techniques, now you can do a hair implant without the need to shave your whole head before the hair transplant procedure. -The Purpose of the entire operation; is to provide a natural, healthy lush, and permanent hair appearance. The operation is completed in an average of 6 to 8 hours depending on the size of the bald area and the hair transplant technique which is preferred.

What is the FUE Method?

FUE “Follicular Unit Extraction” is the method in which follicular units are removed one by one out of the shaved scalp skin on the back of your head when individual follicular units are exposed and visible. The surgeon makes small holes in your scalp and grafts those taken follicles into the holes. With this technique; the average number of follicles per graft is much higher than conventional strip harvesting and microscopic dissection. It can be performed with local anaesthesia or mild sedation (no pain or pain) according to the patient’s request. Today, the FUE method can be applied in different styles with innovative, modern approaches, such as Sapphire FUE and DHI

What are the advantages of the FUE Method?

FUE is one of the most effective hair transplant techniques which makes hair appear more natural. The most striking feature of the FUE technique that no deep cuts are involved which leaves no trace, stitches, or scars due to the usage of the special microsurgical tools that’s been used, which makes it less invasive than old conventional surgery, which reduces the healing time and results in rapid recovery. The efficiency rate of the transplanted hair is quite high as it does not damage the surrounding donor tissue during the procedure. Usually ends in a single session, but sometimes according to the patient’s needs and expectations, a second or third session is performed in the later years.

Which methods are used in hair transplants?

Two methods are used in Avicenna Hair Transplantation Centers, Sapphire crystal and DHI pen. These are cultivation methods. In both, grafts are collected one by one from the donor area with micromotors. Sapphire and DHI are used as hair transplant methods. If the DHI method is preferred after the roots are removed, the hair is transferred to the skin with DHI pens. If sapphire is going to be used, first the incisions are opened with a special sapphire tip, to create channels by the sapphire crystal where the roots will be placed. FUE is a method of root extraction and harvesting method. DHI and sapphire are used as the sowing method.

What are the risks of the FUE hair transplant?

Since the FUE method is a minor surgical procedure, it has the same side effects as a simple dental treatment procedure. It is important to perform it in a sterile hospital environment due to risks such as infection and folliculitis.

How long the recovery takes? When can I go back to my daily life after Hair Transplant?

Once the surgery is done, there is no need to stay at the hospital following the hair transplant surgery. you can return to your daily life just after 2-3 days after the operation. On the 2nd day, the bandages are removed and the first washing is done, the first wash after the FUE hair transplant should be done in the hair transplant clinic by a specialist.

During other washes, the patient should treat the hair and scalp very carefully, and should not touch the grafts. After that, it is possible to resume your daily life without encountering any problems in 2 days. From the first washing in 7-10 days, the last wash is done and should be performed by the hair transplant clinic in which the visible scabs will be washed and removed. After the last washing, most of the sowing symptoms disappear. Then the hair is expected to grow.

Hair Transplantation Methods

CHOI (DHI) Hair Transplant

What is the CHOI (DHI) Technique?

In DIRECT HAIR IMPLANTATION, hair follicles are implanted one by one directly into the bald area of the head that needs to be implanted without any scar or stitches by a micromotor (CHOI pen). Each hair follicle is planted in a specific direction, angle, and depth so that the patients will have a natural outlook, the roots are transferred directly to the scalp without opening any channels.

How is DHI Hair Transplant Performed?

DHI technique is similar to other hair transplant procedures; before and after the operation. The roots collected are transplanted one by one by with the CHOI implanter pen, the hair follicles are placed one by one in this pen, with the correct direction and angle transferred to the determined area using the pushing feature of the needles.

What should be done Before CHOI (DHI) hair transplantation?

Preparations before CHOI (DHI) hair transplant are similar to other hair transplant techniques. Before the hair implant surgery, Necessary tests and hair analysis are done. However, several pre-surgery preparations should be done 1 week in advance like stopping taking Aspirin. 2-3 days before the surgery some beverages such as coffee, alcohol, and green tea are forbidden. If the patient’s health condition is suitable for hair surgery, the planning for hair implants is started. In the presence of some chronic diseases such as heart disease, the patient must ask their doctor for permission to do Hair transplant surgery. Apart from these, no other preparations are required.

What should be done After CHOI (DHI) hair transplantation?

Once the operation is done, some medication should be used for a certain period including Antibiotics, oedema remedies, anti-inflammatories, and pain medications are used. Information on how to use them is given to the patient after the hair transplant procedure. Also, there may be some given vitamins, medication, or sprays that should be used for some time. Things that need attention such as sleeping and lying down positions and ice application are explained to the patients. The first and last washings after the hair transplantation surgery should be done in the Hair transplant clinic. Training videos are sent to the patient after the surgery to continue the treatment themselves. If the patient is staying near the center, all washings can be done at the center; if the patient wishes. After the last wash, you can fully return to your daily life.

What are the advantages of DHI hair transplantation?

The most sophisticated feature of CHOI (DHI) hair transplantation is that it can be performed without the need to shave the whole hair. It is only done by shaving a certain area from the donor area. Since micrometres and needle tips are used, It does not harm the healthy hair tissue in the surrounding area where the hair is transplanted, which will cause no more scars or stitches and the risk of bleeding is less which minimizes the length of the recovery period and makes the healing faster. In this way, it is an ideal method for people who have sparse hair. In this way, the patient returns to their lives and daily work faster. It is an ideal method for an unshaved hair transplant which is generally preferred in women.

What are the disadvantages of DHI hair transplantation?

CHOI (DHI) disadvantages appear when there is a large area to be implanted, that a maximum of 2000-2500 grafts can be transplanted in a session, which means if a person requires more hair implants, more sessions are required to reach the desired hair transplantation. no trace and stitches formation. In this technique, a phenomenon called “rebound” may occur, and pressure is formed as a result of the needle sinking while performing hair plantation. With this pressure, other hair follicles may come out. While these are put back again, the roots can be traumatized, the medical team and surgeon should be highly trained and experienced to avoid this phenomenon, especially in empty and large areas of no hair. It is more expensive compared to other hair transplant techniques.

Is there an age limit for CHOI (DHI) hair transplantation?

There is no age limit. It can be done safely if there are no health problems or concerns such as heart disease. The patients should tell the doctor about their health history and medications before a hair transplant. However, not every heart disease prevents hair transplantation. A consultation is obtained from the patient’s cardiologist and hair transplantation can be performed if the doctor finds it suitable. For example, hair transplantation can be performed with the permission of the doctor who follows up with patients with 5 stents in their heart or patients living with a single kidney. However, hair transplantation is not performed and allowed in case of infectious diseases such as hepatitis C and HIV positive and cannot be applied to patients who receive active chemotherapy treatment. It can be safely performed for hair loss problems caused by burns and accidents for young people and children.

How long the recovery takes? When can I go back to my daily life after DHI Hair Transplant?

Once the surgery is done, there is no need to stay at the hospital following the hair transplant surgery. you can return to your daily life just after 2-3 days after the operation. On the 2nd day, the bandages are removed and the first washing is done, the first washing after the CHOI (DHI) hair transplant should be done in the hair transplant clinic by a specialist.

During other washes, the patient should treat the hair and scalp very carefully, and should not touch the grafts. After that, it is possible to resume your daily life without encountering any problems in 2 days. From the first washing in 7-10 days, the last washing is done and should be performed by the hair transplant clinic in which the visible scabs will be washed and removed. After the last washing, most of the sowing symptoms disappear. Then the hair is expected to grow.

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

What is Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?

It is the updated version of the FUE technique. using the naturally occurring crystal sapphire stone. Consists of the use of sapphire tips instead of the metal ones used when grooving hair.

How is Sapphire Hair Transplant Performed?

After the grafts are collected one by one from the donor area with micro tips, with the help of a sapphire-tipped tool, Hair is implanted individually into these tiny channels opened in the scalp with sapphire tips, that are made of valuable and natural sapphire crystal. Since the application is made with a sapphire-tipped tool, it allows the hair follicles to hold onto the skin more quickly and reduces tissue damage because the tiny channels quickly close up

What should be done Before Sapphire hair transplantation?

Preparations before Sapphire hair transplant are similar to other hair transplant techniques. Before the hair implant surgery, Necessary tests and hair analysis are done. However, several pre-surgery preparations should be done 1 week in advance like stopping taking Aspirin. 2-3 days before the surgery some beverages such as coffee, alcohol, and green tea are forbidden. If the patient’s health condition is suitable for hair surgery, the planning for hair implants is started. In the presence of some chronic diseases such as heart disease, the patient must ask their doctor for permission to do Hair transplant surgery. Apart from these, no other preparations are required.

What should be done After Sapphire hair transplantation?

Once the operation is done, some medication should be used for a certain period including Antibiotics, oedema remedies, anti-inflammatories, and pain medications are used. Information on how to use them is given to the patient after the hair transplant procedure. Also, there may be some given vitamins, medication, or sprays that should be used for some time. Things that need attention such as sleeping and lying down positions and ice application are explained to the patients. The first and last washings after the hair transplantation surgery should be done in the Hair transplant clinic. Training videos are sent to the patient after the surgery to continue the treatment themselves. If the patient is staying near the center, all washings can be done at the center; if the patient wishes. After the last wash, you can fully return to your daily life.

What are the advantages of Sapphire FUE hair transplantation?

 The tiny channels made with the Sapphire crystal blades provide a more natural appearance, especially when the channels are made in the right degree and direction. The surface of these sapphire tips is anti-bacterial and smooth which reduces skin damage, tissue injury, and risk of infections that results in a more comfortable and faster recovery.

What are the disadvantages of Sapphire FUE hair transplantation?

Since it is one of the newest methods among all hair transplant methods, there is no specific disadvantage, If sapphire and CHOI (DHI) hair transplant methods are compared; CHOI (DHI) is particularly advantageous for people with long hair with a limited number of grafts. If the area is large and the need for grafts is greater, the sapphire FUE method is more appropriate.

Is a Sapphire hair transplant painful?

In our clinic, no pain is felt during the procedure. Special methods are also used with patients who have needle fear and are afraid of needles, which use needle-free anaesthesia. With this anaesthesia procedure, it reduces the pain to its minimum level that is almost not felt and makes the process more comfortable for our patients

Is there an age limit for Sapphire hair transplantation?

There is no age limit. It can be done safely if there are no health problems or concerns such as heart disease. The patients should tell the doctor about their health history and medications before a hair transplant. However, not every heart disease prevents hair transplantation. A consultation is obtained from the patient’s cardiologist and hair transplantation can be performed if the doctor finds it suitable. For example, hair transplantation can be performed with the permission of the doctor who follows up with patients with 5 stents in their heart or patients living with a single kidney. However, hair transplantation is not performed and allowed in case of infectious diseases such as hepatitis C and HIV positive and cannot be applied to patients who receive active chemotherapy treatment. It can be safely performed for hair loss problems caused by burns and accidents for young people and children.

Are there any risks/ side effects of sapphire hair transplantation?

It has the same side effects as a simple dental treatment procedure. It is important to perform it in a sterile hospital environment due to risks such as infection and folliculitis.

How long the recovery takes? When can I go back to my daily life after Sapphire Hair Transplant?

Once the surgery is done, there is no need to stay at the hospital following the hair transplant surgery. you can return to your daily life just after 2-3 days after the operation. On the 2nd day, the bandages are removed and the first washing is done, the first wash after the Sapphire FUE hair transplant should be done in the hair transplant clinic by a specialist.

During other washings, the patient should treat the hair and scalp very carefully, and should not touch the grafts. After that, it is possible to resume your daily life without encountering any problems in 2 days. From the first washing in 7-10 days, the last washing is done and should be performed by the hair transplant clinic in which the visible scabs will be washed and removed. After the last washing, most of the sowing symptoms disappear. Then the hair is expected to grow.

Pain-free/ Needle-free Hair Transplant

What is Pain-free/ Needle-free Hair Transplant? How is it Performed?

Painless hair transplantation is a needle-free anaesthesia device that works with air pressure. Painless anaesthesia is the most advanced method to reduce pain. It only works with air pressure. The anaesthetic substance inside is sprayed under the skin with high air pressure. It is applied with a needle-free injector, while a needle-free anaesthesia device is used, no injection is made into the skin. This method reduces the feeling of pain, and once anaesthesia is applied, the patients do not feel anything during the surgery

What should be done Before Pain-free/ Needle-free hair transplantation?

Painless (needle-free) hair transplantation is only an anaesthesia technique, not a transplantation method, for this reason, preparations before Needle-free hair transplant are the same as the other hair transplant techniques. Before the hair implant surgery, Necessary tests and hair analysis are done. However, several pre-surgery preparations should be done 1 week in advance like stopping taking Aspirin. 2-3 days before the surgery some beverages such as coffee, alcohol, and green tea are forbidden. If the patient’s health condition is suitable for hair surgery, the planning for hair implants is started. In the presence of some chronic diseases such as heart disease, the patient must ask their doctor for permission to do Hair transplant surgery. Apart from these, no other preparations are required.

What should be done After Pain-free/ Needle-free hair transplantation?

As mentioned above, Pain-free (needle-free) is only an anaesthesia method, not a transplantation method. For this reason, there are no special things to be done after the procedure.

What are the advantages of Pain-free/ Needle-free hair transplantation?

The operation is comfortable for the patient. The most painful part of hair transplantation for patients was the anaesthesia phase, and now with the needle-free technique, the fear of the needle has disappeared, and no more pain is felt, not while applying the anaesthesia, nor during the surgery.

What are the disadvantages of Pain-free/ Needle-free hair transplantation?

There is no disadvantage. It is an anaesthesia technique that can be applied safely to everyone.

What are the risks of Pain-free/ Needle-free hair transplantation?

There are no risk factors and can be considered a safe application; it can be administered for all age groups. There are only general anaesthesia risks. For this, it is checked whether the patients are allergic to anaesthetic substances before the procedure. As long as there is no allergy, there is no risk.

Is there an age limit for Pain-free/ Needle-free hair transplantation?

It can be administered to all age groups, ranging from newborn infants to the elderly.

How long the recovery takes? When can I go back to my daily life after Hair Transplant?

The return steps vary depending on which method is used. There is no special case for the anaesthesia method.

Unshaven Hair Transplant

What is an Unshaven Hair Transplant?

Hair Transplant without Shaving is one of the hair transplant techniques in which hair does not need to be shaved. It is more suitable for patients who have a particular loss of hair on their heads. In unshaved hair transplantation, the hair is not shaved or partially shaved, depending on the grafts needed (only the area to be transplanted). Ideal for women, for whom shaved techniques can be annoying, and The roots taken are transplanted without shaving the planting area depending on whether the CHOI (DHI) method or the Sapphire method will be used.

What are the advantages of Unshaven hair transplantation?

The return to social life takes place in a very short time since they do not shave. After transplantation in long hair, the appearance becomes completely normal. Patients can return to their daily lives immediately after, and the bloody and crusty appearance is minimized. The patient does not lose their long hair. This method provides a significant advantage for women who take years to grow their hair, and cutting/ shaving their hair is a slightly terrifying situation for them. Planting is performed without much need for shaving.

What are the disadvantages of Unshaven hair transplantation?

The number of roots is limited as it is taken from a small window. In unshaved transplants, a maximum of 2,500 grafts can be transplanted. This is the biggest drawback.

What should be done Before Unshaven hair transplantation?

Preparations before Unshaven hair transplant are similar to other hair transplant techniques. Before the hair implant surgery, Necessary tests and hair analysis are done. However, several pre-surgery preparations should be done 1 week in advance like stopping taking Aspirin. 2-3 days before the surgery some beverages such as coffee, alcohol, and green tea are forbidden. If the patient’s health condition is suitable for hair surgery, the planning for hair implants is started. In the presence of some chronic diseases such as heart disease, the patient must ask their doctor for permission to do Hair transplant surgery. Apart from these, no other preparations are required.

What should be done After Unshaven hair transplantation?

Once the operation is done, some medication should be used for a certain period including Antibiotics, oedema remedies, anti-inflammatories, and pain medications are used. Information on how to use them is given to the patient after the hair transplant procedure. Also, there may be some given vitamins, medication, or sprays that should be used for some time. Things that need attention such as sleeping and lying down positions and ice application are explained to the patients. The first and last washings after the hair transplantation surgery should be done in the Hair transplant clinic. Training videos are sent to the patient after the surgery to continue the treatment themselves. If the patient is staying near the center, all washings can be done at the center; if the patient wishes. After the last wash, you can fully return to your daily life.

Is an Unshaven hair transplant painful?

It depends on the anaesthesia technique that is applied, at our clinic the needle-free technique is done which means, no pain is felt at all.

Is an unshaven hair transplant safe?

Its safety depends entirely on the clinic and in which the environment is made. It is a completely safe method if performed by experts and certified clinics in a sterile hospital environment.

Is there an age limit for Unshaven hair transplantation?

There is no age limit.

How long the recovery takes? When can I go back to my daily life after Unshaven Hair Transplant?

Once the surgery is done, there is no need to stay at the hospital following the hair transplant surgery. you can return to your daily life just after 2-3 days after the operation. On the 2nd day, the bandages are removed and the first washing is done, the first wash after the Unshaven hair transplant should be done in the hair transplant clinic by a specialist.

During other washings, the patient should treat the hair and scalp very carefully, and should not touch the grafts. After that, it is possible to resume your daily life without encountering any problems in 2 days. From the first washing in 7-10 days, the last washing is done and should be performed by the hair transplant clinic in which the visible scabs will be washed and removed. After the last washing, most of the sowing symptoms disappear. Then the hair is expected to grow.

What are the risks of Unshaven hair transplantation?

Since the Unshaven method is a minor surgical procedure, it has the same side effects as a simple dental treatment procedure. It is important to perform it in a sterile hospital environment due to risks such as infection and folliculitis.

Donor Area

What is the Donor area in Hair Transplantation?

The Donor site is the follicles that are resistant to fall. It is where the grafts are collected to the implant. Most often the donor area is in the back of the head, and hair roots are collected from this area between the two because the hair of the back of the head is genetically coded not to fall, but it is also possible to take hair from other parts of the body such as the chest.

Where to get the healthiest hair roots?

The priority for the Donor site is the area starting from the back of the head. The nape of the back of the head is made of hair that is programmed not to fall out.  The second priority is the beard. The third one is the chest hair, but the hair from the back of the head is always preferable as a donor site in which its hair does not fall and is not expected to shed for a lifetime.

Why is the Donor area important?

The Donor site for hair transplant is considered an extremely important condition to perform the procedure of hair transplant. Without a good donor site with good density, a hair transplant procedure cannot be performed, because hair taken from these areas continues to grow normally and permanently in its new position. That is why should be chosen carefully

Can hair transplantation be done from chest hair?

Yes, if the donor area of the head is sparse, grafts can be taken from the beard or chest hair instead.

Can someone else be a donor in hair transplantation?

Unfortunately not. Just like organ transplantation, the body figures the hair follicles as foreign bodies and attacks them. Therefore, it is only possible to be taken from the patient’s follicles.

Female Hair Transplant

What are the causes of hair loss in women?

The causes of hair loss in women are due to many reasons, including hormonal disorders, iron deficiency, thyroid disorders and malnutrition, temporary hair loss, genetics, accidents, vitamin B12 deficiencies, folic acid deficiency, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

How is hair transplantation done in women?

Hair shaving and short-term scars on the head caused women to refuse to use hair transplant techniques. With the developing technologies, hair transplants can be performed without having to cut the hair. Since hair growth takes time in women, shaving hair is refused, and that is what you can find in Avicenna hair transplant clinics, Unshaven hair transplantation is performed for women, which is the most satisfying technique for them. At our centre, necessary tests are performed on the patient to detect the reasons for hair fall, and if it is not treatable with drugs and medication, the planning for the hair implant process is started.

What are the advantages of hair transplantation in women?

Regardless of the underlying cause in women, hair transplantation is the definitive solution for hair loss. If there is an empty area in the patient’s hair and it cannot be treated medically, hair transplantation is recommended as a permanent solution. For this reason, hair transplantation gives 100% results in women.

What are the disadvantages of hair transplantation in women?

There is no disadvantage to hair transplantation in women.

Are there any risks of hair transplantation in women?

Since the Unshaven method is a minor surgical procedure, it has the same side effects as a simple dental treatment procedure. It is important to perform it in a sterile hospital environment due to risks such as infection and folliculitis.

Hair Transplantation on Curly Hair / Black Hair

How Hair Transplantation is performed on Curly Hair?

Any type of hair loss can be treated through a hair transplant after identifying the cause of the hair loss problem. The same processes as in normal hair transplantation are valid for black patients, they do not show any variation. However, it must be done by specialists who are experienced in curly hair. In people with curly hair is much more difficult in comparison with the ones with straight hair.

What are the advantages of hair transplantation for Curly hair/ black people?

However, a Curly hair transplant is done by covering the whole scalp with the help of a fewer number of follicles and grafts than straight hair. because curly hair is thicker than straight ones; which means the surgeon can transplant fewer grafts to have density. Fewer grafts mean less trauma, shorter operation duration, and a faster recovery process.

What are the disadvantages of hair transplantation for Curly hair?

There is no disadvantage to hair transplantation in black people. However, the process of harvesting curly hair is more difficult than straight hair.

When can I return to social life after hair transplantation?

There is no need to stay at the hospital following the hair surgery, you can return to your daily life just after the operation. Likewise, it is possible to resume working without encountering any problems in 2 days. In this case, you must follow your doctor’s instructions. The first washing is done on the second day of hair transplantation. There will be no scabs and scars when you wash your hair as described once a day for ten days. You will be able to continue your social life with pleasure.

How soon can I regain my new hair?

Although scabs are seen in the transplantation area in the first days after the operation, the scabs are completely shed within 7-10 days by washing the whole hair tissue once a day and the transplantation area heals. In the first month, all of the transplanted hair can be shed. In about 15 days to 1 month, the patient can return to the pre-transplant appearance. It takes 3 months for the hair to start growing again. The change in the transplanted hair is most seen in the 6th month. In the following periods, hair growth will continue with an average of 10% each month. It takes 1 to 1.5 years for the new hair to grow in the area where the transplantation is made.

Will the transplanted hair fall out?

Since the transplanted hair follicles are taken from the donor areas that are programmed not to fall or shed, they will continue to grow in the same features as the donor hair areas.

Why should it be done in a hospital environment?

It should be performed in sterile conditions. like operating rooms by specialist doctors and professional healthcare teams who are experienced in hair transplantation. The desired professional results cannot be achieved if hair transplantation procedures are performed in centres where adequate hygienic conditions are not provided, and there is an unspecialized healthcare team, this will increase the risks of infectious diseases and serious infections. In hair transplant surgery, the hair follicles should be taken and planted without damaging the surrounding tissues. Because the damage to the transplanted hair follicles during the operation causes the hair not to grow in that area again. When hair transplantation is done by professionals, your new appearance will positively affect your life.

What are the risks of unconscious hair transplantation?

Nowadays, Hair transplantation is performed by non-professionals without paying attention to hygienic conditions which can lead to serious health problems. A hair transplant is a small surgical operation. These operations must be performed in sterile environments by expert people. Otherwise, many undesirable situations such as various infections, tissue deaths and even vital losses may be experienced. Some patients face serious problems such as Hepatitis B, HIV, AIDS, fungal infection, and various systemic infections. In addition to the cosmetic bad appearance of the patients after the procedure; pain, oedema, scalp inflammation, bleeding, and skin collapse may occur.

Foreign patients may face many negative consequences since they do not know our country and the well-reputed health centres there. For this reason, it is very important to conduct research on the right centres and the right experts and to choose centres that have positive reviews in this aspect. As this intervention will be made to the person’s head, skin, or body, it has to be done in a sterile environment, and by experienced specialists.

How long does a hair transplant take?

Hair transplantation takes 5 to 9 hours depending on the number of grafts and the technique of the procedure. Once the surgery is done, there is no need to stay at the hospital following the hair transplant surgery. you can return to your daily life just after 2-3 days after the operation. On the 2nd day, the bandages are removed and the first washing is done, the first wash after the Sapphire FUE hair transplant should be done in the hair transplant clinic by a specialist.

During other washings, the patient should treat the hair and scalp very carefully, and should not touch the grafts. After that, it is possible to resume your daily life without encountering any problems in 2 days. From the first washing in 7-10 days, the last washing is done and should be performed by the hair transplant clinic in which the visible scabs will be washed and removed. After the last washing, most of the sowing symptoms disappear. Then the hair is expected to grow. Turkey has worldwide prestige, especially in the hair transplant field. Each year numerous successful operations are performed, and it has the best ones. Avicenna Hair Transplant Center is one of the best in hair transplantation in Istanbul, as well as other cities such as Ankara, Izmir, Konya, Adana, Gaziantep, Antalya, and Trabzon, and accepts patients from many different countries for hair transplant.

Are there any disadvantages of hair transplantation in terms of patient health?

If the operation is performed in the hospital and by professionals; It is an extremely risk-free procedure. If the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations, there are no side effects of the procedure that will affect the health in the post-surgery period.

Is hair transplant a procedure that can be applied more than once?

Hair transplantation may require multiple sessions, depending on the size of the transplanted area, the productivity of the donor area and whether the patient’s hair loss continues

Can I have all kinds of hairdressing services after hair transplantation?

All kinds of hairdressing services can be obtained, such as Dye, Shaving, drying, cutting, etc. can be applied, for the person after a hair transplant. For example, you can shave after 1 month, dye and blow dryer after 3 months, and shave with a razor after 6 months. You should consult the doctor about everything.

Does the person’s straight hair grow wavy in hair transplantation?

After the hair transplant procedure, the hair of the person grows in its natural state. It does not change its properties such as thickness, structure, curly or straight, or colour.

Can hair transplantation be performed on every person who suffers from hair loss?

No. It should be determined by the doctor, whether the patient is suitable for a hair transplantation or not.

Can hair donors be made from different people in the hair transplantation process?

Since this is a tissue transplant, there is no example in the world yet, that the donor follicles are taken from other people.

Will there be any scars in hair transplantation?

Since the Sapphire FUE and DHI methods are used in hair transplantation in our centres, there are no invasive procedures, which means no scars or stitches are created.

Can women also have hair transplantation?

Yes, hair transplantation is also done for women. There is no difference. Only the reasons for hair loss can vary in women from men. After the cause of hair loss is determined, treatment planning will be made by the doctor. It is important to distinguish if there are different underlying causes. For example, if the cause was thyroid disease, a treatment with hormones should be applied. If there is an iron deficiency, iron-rich drugs should be prescribed, and if there is another cause of the deficiency, should be investigated. Other than that, the applied hair transplant techniques are the same, but since women generally prefer unshaven hair transplantation, the chosen method should be applied accordingly.

Is there a hair follicle cloning?

Laboratory studies on hair follicle cloning have been going on for years, especially in America and Europe. However, successful results have not been achieved yet.

What are the available methods of hair treatment?

There are many methods determined by the doctor in hair treatment. In addition to drug treatment, PRP, Mesotherapy, Growth Factor and hair laser are applied and performed by the doctor himself. Plasma-rich cells obtained from the person’s blood are used to strengthen the hair before or/after hair transplantation. Mesotherapy is the direct injection of vitamins, minerals and amino acids into the scalp to strengthen the hair. In the Growth Factor application, growth factors such as vitamins and proteins are given to the hair. Hair laser stimulates hair follicles, accelerates blood circulation and helps strengthen hair.

Does nutrition have anything to do with healthy hair structure?

Everything that affects human health indirectly affects hair health. Nutrition is one of the most important parts of this. The first parts of the body that are affected by the deficiencies of some vitamins are usually hair and nails. The vitamins, minerals and amino acids the hair needs have a direct effect on the hair quality. A diet rich in zinc, biotin and iron have great importance for hair health. Oral vitamin supplements are also recommended in hair treatments as well as clinical applications. Apart from that, it is important to consider the protein, carbohydrate and vitamin balance.

What is the cost of Hair Transplantation?

At Avicenna Hair Transplantation Centers, hair transplantation prices and package applications are determined individually. Hair transplant results satisfy every patient. After hair transplantation, our patients are followed by the doctors for 1 year.

Why should I choose Avicenna for hair transplantation?

Avicenna Health Group Hair Transplantation Centers; It is the address of trust in health with its specialist doctors and healthcare team who combine their knowledge to reach the most perfect image of treatment. Also, patient services understanding, quality policy, diagnosis and treatment units are equipped with the most advanced medical technology and modern venues.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Transplant

What are the causes of hair loss/hair fall?

Hair loss can be due to a variety of reasons. 60% of men in Turkish society are genetically predisposed to hair loss. In addition to genetic reasons, many diseases can also cause hair loss; in men or women. For example, from thyroid hormone disorders to iron deficiency, even a simple infection that affects general health, tonsillitis can cause hair loss as well. There may be many underlying causes, but genetic causes are generally effective in men. In women, underlying diseases and hormonal disorders may be the cause.

What is the most important factor for hair loss?

Normally, the hair reaches a certain maturity in a cycle and falls out. Within the framework of this cycle, spilling up to 60 -70 wires per day is considered normal. If the number exceeds this, then gaps and thinning begin to occur in the hair.

When will the transplanted hair grow?

Hair starts to grow in the 3rd month after transplantation. A visible change occurs after 6-7 months. It takes its final form within 1 year after plantation.

Is there a guarantee for the transplanted hair? Will the transplanted hair fall out after hair transplantation?

Since the transplanted hair is taken from the donor area that is programmed genetically not to fall out, it is not expected to shed. It is expected that the transplanted roots will remain in the region for the long term unless situations such as accidents or burns occur.

When to return to daily life/work after hair transplantation?

Two days after hair transplantation, daily life can be resumed.

What are the risks of unconscious hair transplantation?

Since hair transplantation is a simple surgical procedure when it is not performed by qualified persons in a sterilized hospital environment, If the structure or direction of the hair is not taken into consideration, and was applied in a poor hygienic environment performed by a non-specialized team unnatural results may occur. Although it is seen as a simple, cosmetic procedure, but it can have serious consequences that will negatively affect your life.

What should be considered after hair transplantation?

Once the operation is done, some medication should be used for a certain period including Antibiotics, oedema remedies, anti-inflammatories, and pain medications are used. Information on how to use them is given to the patient after the hair transplant procedure. Also, there may be some given vitamins, medication, or sprays that should be used for some time. Things that need attention such as sleeping and lying down positions and ice application are explained to the patients. The first and last washings after the hair transplantation surgery should be done in the Hair transplant clinic. Training videos are sent to the patient after the surgery to continue the treatment themselves. If the patient is staying near the center, all washings can be done at the center; if the patient wishes. After the last wash, you can fully return to your daily life.

How hair follicles are taken?

The common method of harvesting roots is the method called FUE. FUE by itself is not a hair transplant method but a root harvesting method. In the FUE method, roots are taken one by one from the donor area via micromotors. Sapphire and DHI are used as hair transplant methods. If the DHI method is preferred after the roots are removed, the hair is transferred to the skin with DHI pens. If sapphire is going to be used, first, channels are opened where the roots will be placed with sapphire pens, and then the roots are placed in the channels.

How is hair transplantation done in Temples?

Many people can experience hair loss in several parts of their head. Hair loss can occur on your temples; the region on the side of your head, behind your eyes and between your ear and forehead. This hair loss can be a result of several conditions. Hair transplantation has the chance to minimize hair loss and even regrow hair, which does not differ from any other hair transplantation. Attention should be paid to hair directions or angles to obtain a natural and healthy look.

Is the Hair Transplantation of the donor regions successful?

If you pay attention to the hair directions and angles. If there are enough grafts, hair transplantation can be done successfully in any part of the hair.

How to wash after hair transplantation?

On the 2nd day, the bandages are removed and the first washing is done, the first wash after the Unshaven hair transplant should be done in the hair transplant clinic by a specialist. During other washings, the patient should treat the hair and scalp very carefully, and should not touch the grafts. After that, it is possible to resume your daily life without encountering any problems in 2 days. From the first washing in 7-10 days, the last washing is done and should be performed by the hair transplant clinic in which the visible scabs will be washed and removed. After the last washing, most of the sowing symptoms disappear. Then the hair is expected to grow.

What should be considered after hair transplantation?

The first 1-year period is important in hair transplantation. This process is followed by the centre. There are controls, especially in the first 3 days, 10 days, 1 month, 3 months, 7 months and 12 months. During those controls, the patient is informed of all the necessary information and details. Information booklets are provided. For example, in the first 3 months, the hair is shaved with scissors only, not with a machine or razor. It is not recommended to go swimming in the first month.

These rules are explained to the patient at each control. The 1-year period after the operation is also very important for the development of hair. The transplanted hair will often fall out, and later start to grow back after a few weeks after the hair implant. Visible differences occur 6-7 months after the procedure, in which new hair will usually start to appear. It takes its final form at the end of 12 months. During this period, the full results should be seen.

How to shave after hair transplantation?

Shaving is not recommended within the first month after hair transplantation. You can start shaving after 1 month, should be cut with scissors only up to 6 months.

What is the Crusting Process?

The crusting starts with washing after 3 days after the procedure. If the last washing is done in the centre for a maximum of 10 days, the cleaning of the scabs is done by the experts at the centre. If the patient is abroad, all the crusts are removed in the last washing by the patient with the training videos sent to him. After 10-12 days all scabs are removed, and the wounds are healed.

How is Hair Transplantation done for thin hair?

In thin hair, the roots are taken with DHI or sapphire pens according to the grafts needed. Thus, if attention to the hair direction and angles is paid, it is possible to make the hair denser with a more volume appearance by filling all gaps without damaging the existing hair.

What is the importance of PRP after hair transplantation?

At Avicenna Hair Transplantation Center, PRP is applied to all our patients. In addition, it is recommended to have PRP starting from the first month after the procedure. As only your blood is used for this type of treatment, there are no risks of plasma or platelet rejection when Hair PRP is used. PRP both increases the success of hair transplantation and improves hair quality. Therefore, it is important to increase success.

How to choose the right Hair Transplantation Center?

When determining a hair transplant centre, it is important to choose a certified centre for hair transplantation. It should not be done in other than a sterilized hospital environment as many infectious diseases and complications may occur.

How to choose the right Doctor for hair transplantation?

While determining the best hair transplant doctor, as in all health problems, good research should be done and certified and experienced specialists who have received hair transplantation training should be chosen. Hair transplantation should be done by doctors. In many centres, patients meet with doctors during hair transplant appointments, but then the technicians perform the procedure. For this reason, it is important to get detailed information about who will do the operation while choosing the centre.

Is there an age limit for hair transplantation?

There is no age limit. It can be done safely if there are no health problems or concerns such as heart disease. The patients should tell the doctor about their health history and medications before a hair transplant. However, not every heart disease prevents hair transplantation. A consultation is obtained from the patient’s cardiologist and hair transplantation can be performed if the doctor finds it suitable. For example, hair transplantation can be performed with the permission of the doctor who follows up with patients with 5 stents in their heart or patients living with a single kidney. However, hair transplantation is not performed and allowed in case of infectious diseases such as hepatitis C and HIV positive and cannot be applied to patients who receive active chemotherapy treatment. It can be safely performed for hair loss problems caused by burns and accidents for young people and children.

When the New hair can be regained?

Shock loss occurs in the transplanted hair within 3 months after hair transplantation. After this shedding, the hair starts to grow again. A visible change occurs after 6-7 months. It takes its final form within 1 year after planting.

Is the transplanted hair different from normal hair?

Since the hair taken from the donor area is completely the person’s hair, if natural transplantation is performed with proper and correct angles, it will not be different from the person’s hair. The structure, type and colour of the hair will be exactly like your own hair.

Does a hair transplant affect sexual activity?

Hair transplantation does not affect the sexual side.

Who does not have a hair transplant?

It can be done to anyone who has hair problems.

When can I use shampoo after a hair transplant?

On the 2nd day after planting, the washing starts with shampoo. The daily washing is done using shampoo.

Is there any special shampoo after hair transplantation?

Special shampoos produced for hair transplantation are used especially in the first year.

Why do Acne and Pimples appear after hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a simple medical procedure as it does not involve any risk or complications that cause problems for the patient. the transfer of hair follicles from the donor area and implanted in areas suffering from baldness can cause the hair to change slightly, leading to immune reactions which sometimes cause blisters, pimples redness, and some other side effects that vary from patient to patient. In hair transplantation, sometimes there may be acne in the donor area and the transplantation area. However, if a special massage technique is applied after the scabs are washed, acne can not be seen. Patients with more acne are generally patients with oily skin type. However, if acne is seen, it can be treated with medication.

Is there a specific season for hair transplants important?

Hair transplantation does not have a certain season. It can be done in all seasons. The only thing that needs to be considered is that you have to avoid sun exposure. For example, if you had the surgery in Summer, you should not be exposed to direct sunlight for more than half an hour for 1 month. It is necessary not to swim for 1 month. For such reasons, it is thought that autumn and winter are more suitable. However, there is no other reason not to do it during the summer months.

When can I do sports after Hair Transplantation?

Starting from the 1st week after planting, walking and light-paced sports activities can be done. It is necessary to wait 1 month to do sports with full efficiency.

How long after planting can I swim or enter the sauna?

In the first month, activities such as sea and sauna are not recommended.

Is it harmful to have more than one session of hair transplantation? How many times can a hair transplant be done?

Sometimes patients may require more than one session. For example, if 4000 grafts can be taken from the donor area of ​​a patient who needs 5000 grafts, replanting can be done after 1 year to complete the remaining part, this situation is normal. Hair transplantation can be repeated as long as there are enough roots in the donor area. The only thing to know is that the donor area will become a little less frequent each time it is used.

After how many days can I use a hat?

On the 2nd day of the first washing after the operation, a hat given by the centre should be worn for 10 days. The desired type of hat can be worn after the 10th day.

Can cosmetic products such as jelly and spray be used after hair transplantation?

It can be used after the 3rd month after planting. Such products should be cleaned daily, even if there is no hair transplant. Otherwise, they may cause negative results by blocking the skin pores.

Is there a difference between men and women in hair transplantation?

There is no difference between men and women in terms of hair transplant procedures or results. Generally, unshaven transplantation is performed in women. There may also be situations where shaved transplantation is performed. Apart from that, there is no difference between men and women in terms of results or techniques of hair transplant procedures.

How the cost of hair transplantation is determined?

Hair transplant prices are determined according to the method that is used. In addition, the price varies according to the type of anaesthesia applied.

Can white hair follicles be distinguished in transplantation?

Homogeneous harvesting of hair follicles is required when taking roots from the donor area. Otherwise, regional gaps may be caused. When the roots are removed from the donor area and transplanted. It can concentrate the black or white roots in a region, and cause regional gaps. Therefore, the donor area should be screened homogeneously, and the colour distribution in the place of harvesting (donor area) should be generally the same as the colour distribution in the planted area.

What is the success rate of hair transplantation taken from the body hair?

As the donor area, our priority is always the area starting from the back of the ear to the nape. If there are not enough roots there, follicles can be taken from the lower part of the beard or, as a third option, from the chest hair. The success rate is between 60-80% in the beard and 40-60% in the chest, respectively. The success rate in chest hair is slightly lower.


Hair transplant prices are quite variable. A single price range cannot be given for the transaction. Several factors change the price from patient to patient, including the hair transplant technique, the size of the balding area and the Country and city where the hair transplant will take place. Turkey has increased its reputation for the successful hair transplant operation. There are many doctors and expert in the field, and hair transplant in Turkey has quite affordable prices

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