M.D. Mehmet Akif Gogusgeren

Op. Dr. Mehmet Akif Göğüsgeren

My 34 years of medicine – which is more than half my life… After thousands of surgeries, the excitement and sense of responsibility of the first day still outweigh it. My father was a doctor, a neurologist too. I would always give the same response to those asking what I would be in elementary and secondary school: Neurosurgeon. When I started my neurosurgery residency at Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital in 1992, my childhood goal was fulfilled. Two points have always stood out from the others throughout my medical career: 1. Don’t harm anyone. 2. The most important relationship between the doctor and patient is the relationship of trust. In line with the principle of “first do no harm” in Turkish with “primum non nocere” in Latin, I have always preferred to perform secured surgeries under the microscope from smaller incisions. I didn’t perform any surgery that I wasn’t sure the patient would benefit from. So I’ve always been in a position to convince myself first of the need for surgery. Then I convince my patient. I kept in mind that the most important relationship between surgeon and patient is the relationship of trust. How can a person entrust his life to someone he saw 15 minutes ago without a relationship of trust? I cared about this relationship lasting post-surgery and even for life. I’ve had the first walks of my patients that I’ve operated in 28 years. Sometimes even after midnight many times… I’ve always cared about some patients’ feeling of their need to see their physician even at 03.00 o’clock midnight. I don’t mind giving all my patients my cell phone number. I would want my physician to be available at any time as needed. That’s what I do for my patients. In these lines, I felt the need to describe my view of medicine. Anyone who wonders anyway can reach my resume and my publications.

  • Glioma and spinal tumors,
  • Waist and neck hernias,
  • Hereditary diseases of the spine,
  • Cerebral hemorrhage,
  • Hydrocephalia,
  • Conditions where the nerve is under pressure (Carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar groove syndrome).
  • Mikrosurgery
  • Turkish Medical Association
  • Istanbul Medical Chamber
  • 1997 European Association of Neurosurgical Societies
  • 1998 Turkish Neurosurgery Association
  • 2007 Nervous System Surgery Association (Nervous System Surgery Association, Turkey)
  • 2007 Istanbul Anatolian Side Bosnia Sanjak Association
  • Turkey Bosnia Sanjak Social Solidarity and Culture Association
  • 2012 Friends of Sancak Platform (Board Member)
  • 2013 NSC (Neurological Surgeons Congress)
  • 2014 Bosnia Sanjak Academic Culture and History Foundation (Member of the Board of Trustees, founding member-former President)

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