Facelift Surgery in Turkey

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Are you searching for an affordable yet high-quality facelift in Turkey? Look no further than Turkey, a leading destination for high-quality and affordable facelift surgery. At Avicenna International Hospital, we offer exceptional care and outstanding results, ensuring that your facelift journey is smooth and rewarding. In this guide, we will explain the details of facelift surgery in Turkey, discussing the procedure, cost, benefits, and the exceptional level of care you can expect from our experienced team of professionals.
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What is a Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that aims to enhance and improve the appearance of the face and neck. As we age, our skin loses elasticity and starts to sag, resulting in wrinkles, folds, and a tired-looking appearance. Facelift surgery addresses these concerns by tightening the underlying muscles and removing excess skin. The result is a more youthful, refreshed, and natural-looking face.

How Does Facelift Surgery Work?

During a facelift procedure, our highly skilled surgeons make discreet incisions, carefully placed to minimize scarring. These incisions are made above the hairline, extending from the temples down in front of the ear, behind the ear and underneath the earlobe. If necessary, additional incisions may be made under the chin to lift the jawline. Once the incisions are made, any surplus facial skin is skillfully removed. In addition, the underlying facial fat and tissue are redistributed to create a harmonious contour. The remaining skin is then gently lifted and tightened before being secured in its new position with sutures. This meticulous technique ensures that your facelift results appear natural and rejuvenated.

What Happens During Facelift Surgery in Turkey?

Facelift surgery typically requires general anaesthesia for optimal patient comfort. Throughout the surgery, you will be under the care of our expert surgical team. They will ensure your safety and well-being. The procedure can usually be completed within two to three hours. However, the exact duration may vary based on individual needs and the extent of the surgery. After the surgery, your face will be bandaged to minimize swelling and bruising and to protect the incision areas. While you may experience some discomfort, your surgeon will prescribe pain relief medication to manage any post-operative pain.

Facelift Surgery Recovery and Results

A successful recovery is crucial to achieving optimal facelift results. The initial healing period after facelift surgery usually requires two to four weeks. During this, you should refrain from strenuous activities and take time to relax. It is normal to experience some bruising, swelling, and discomfort, but these symptoms will gradually subside over time. While visible improvements can be seen early in the recovery process, it may take approximately six to nine months for the full effect of the facelift surgery to become apparent. Following your surgeon’s guidance, which may include recommendations for sleeping with your head elevated and avoiding certain activities, will help reduce swelling and expedite the recovery process.

Facelift Surgery Cost in Turkey

One of the major advantages of choosing Turkey for your facelift surgery is the exceptional value offered. At Avicenna International Hospital, we provide transparent and comprehensive facelift surgery packages that cover all aspects of your procedure, ensuring that you can focus on your recovery and enjoy a worry-free experience. Our facelift surgery packages include pre and post-procedure treatments, medical fees, accommodation discounts, VIP transfers between the airport and hotel, and 24-hour support from our highly experienced team of healthcare professionals. What’s more, our prices are up to 75% lower compared to the UK, allowing you to achieve your desired results without sacrificing quality or safety.

Non-Surgical Facelift in Turkey

For those seeking a less invasive approach to facial rejuvenation, Turkey also offers non-surgical facelift treatments. One popular option is the HIFU facelift, a non-invasive procedure that uses ultrasound technology to stimulate collagen production and tighten and firm the skin. This treatment is an excellent choice for patients who prefer a non-surgical alternative or are looking for minor improvements without the need for a surgical facelift.

Final Thoughts

If you’re considering a facelift, Turkey could be an excellent choice for you. With an exceptional healthcare infrastructure, highly experienced surgeons, and competitive costs, it’s no wonder that more international patients choose Turkey for their cosmetic procedures every year. The skilled team at Avicenna International Hospital is ready to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Please feel free to contact us for more information or to begin your facelift journey.
How much does a facelift surgery cost in Turkey?

Facelift surgery costs in Turkey are significantly lower compared to the UK, making it a cost-effective solution for patients seeking premier yet affordable cosmetic procedures.

How long is the recovery time after a facelift?

While recovery can vary, generally, patients require 2-4 weeks for recovery. However, complete recovery, including the subsiding of residual swelling, can take a few months.

At Avicenna International Hospital, our main aim is to provide you with a refreshed, more youthful appearance that aligns harmoniously with your unique facial features. We carefully consider your unique facial features to create improvements that look natural and harmonious. We aim to provide a rested, revitalized look, not a “done” appearance.


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