Laboratory Results

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Avicenna Ataşehir Hospital offers all laboratory and analysis results with a single click online for the patients. The laboratory results can be obtained 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Analysis Results

The laboratory department of Ataşehir Avicenna Hospital is used in the diagnosis, treatment, and observation of almost all diseases. The importance of laboratory results in this context cannot be overstated. The results of the analyses, which are critical in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, are discovered using samples taken from various parts of the human body. The tests are carried out using cutting-edge technology and devices. Internationally recognized quality controllers conduct the necessary inspections for Ataşehir Avicenna Hospital’s e-laboratory department.

Laboratory Tests

Samples taken from various parts of the human body are examined by specialist doctors and laboratory workers, accompanied by devices produced by using all the possibilities of modern medicine. Laboratory test results are extracted quickly and made ready for doctors’ control. As a result, the treatment process can begin as soon as possible. The results obtained after the test show a hundred percent accuracy by using the most recent product of modern medical technology.

Avicenna Hospital Analysis Results

All patients who look for Ataşehir Avicenna Hospital analysis results will be directed to the e-laboratory department of our hospital. They can see all the assay details by entering the patient number and passport number. If you wish to learn more about laboratory results and analysis results, you can run an analysis query on the Ataşehir Avicenna Hospital analysis results webpage. Patients who want to have both necessary analyzes and individual routine controls can give tests and learn the results from our laboratory.

Post Analysis Treatments

The therapy process at Ataşehir Avicenna Hospital begins when all of the analysis processes are completed. The doctor determines this process with the patient. Everyone can undergo frequent testing before suffering from any sickness. By these tests, anyone may give an early illness diagnosis at home. All diseases that are diagnosed early can be treated before they progress to a more critical stage and cause major health problems. All tests performed in this context can be managed by the e-laboratory department.

COVID-19 Tests

Covid-19 testing is classified as PCR and antibody tests. This page contains the results of your coronavirus test results.

COVID-19 PCR Test is performed by swab method. If a virus is encountered in the mucosa sample taken from the patient’s nose and mouth, the result is “Positive”, and if no virus is found, the result is “Negative”.

IgM is a type of antibody test used to detect the presence of antibodies in the early stages. A positive result indicates that the patient met the virus in a short time. However, if infected patients have not yet developed antibodies, the test may give a negative result.

IgG is a type of late antibody test. A positive test implies that the patient is infected with the virus. For the IgG antibody to be positive, the virus must have been exposed for at least 10-15 days. It is assumed that patients with positive IgG antibody tests have an active immune system against the COVID-19 virus.

Hormone – Elisa

It is a test used to detect the presence of communicable illnesses such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and AIDS (HIV). It measures the amounts of antibodies in the body, such as anti-RLS, anti-HCV, and anti-HIV antibodies.

Anti-HBS is a hepatitis B viral monitoring test. This test determines if the virus has been eliminated from the body as well as the person’s immunity, which will last for the rest of his life. It is determined whether or not immunity develops in patients who have been vaccinated for hepatitis B disease.  If the result is higher than 12 MLU, the person is disease-free. A positive anti-HBS test implies that the individual is immune to the hepatitis B virus. People’s test results might range from 100 to 1000. These figures indicate that the individual does not have Hepatitis B, but rather that he is immune to the illness.

Anti HCV is a test that determines whether or not the individual’s body has generated antibodies against the hepatitis C virus. A positive anti-HCV test indicates that the patient is affected by the virus.

The body begins to develop antibodies against the HIV (Aids) virus around 5 weeks after the infection enters the body. An anti-HIV test is to determine antibody levels. The anti-HIV test can be misleading because antibodies are not yet formed during the window period. To obtain an accurate and clear result, 90 days must pass after the unprotected sexual intercourse. In antibody testing, the 90-day guideline is important for accurate results.

One of the hepatitis B tests, HBsAg, stands for hepatitis B surface antigen. A positive HBsAg test shows that the patient has Hepatitis B virus infection.

Complete Urine Examination

A complete urinalysis, as the name implies, is a urine test. It often informs doctors about kidney and urinary system problems. On the other hand, it is a valuable test used for diagnosing numerous diseases since it reflects the protein, blood, and leukocyte levels in the urine.

Bilirubin is a yellowish chemical produced by the breakdown of red blood cells in the regular functioning of the human body. Bilirubin is a substance produced by the liver that is ordinarily eliminated through the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of high amounts of bilirubin in the urine might be taken as an indication of a liver illness.

Density refers to thickness and density. In medicine, the word density is abbreviated as SG. The consistency level of the urine is shown by the density value in the urine test. Density values in the normal range are 1.002 – 1.020.

Erythrocytes are vital cells in the human body. A high Erythrocyte indicates that there is insufficient oxygen reaching the tissues and cells. The human body generates red blood cells for recovery, and thus the erythrocyte level will be high.

This disease can occur if the glucose level in the human body is high or if you have diabetes and do not have enough insulin to enable your cells to absorb glucose. When we don’t have enough insulin, our bodies start breaking down lipids for energy. At this stage, the particles formed as a result of fatty acid breakdown are known as ketones.

Leukocytes are white blood cells that protect the body against infections. Despite making up as little as 1% of the blood, they reproduce and multiply very fast in the presence of any foreign organism. Leukocytes are separated into five types of white blood cells.

Lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, and macrophages are all forms of neutrophils.

The most common cause of nitrite in the urine is urinary tract infection. It happens when bacteria infect the esophagus, ureters, and kidneys.

The pH value indicates the acidity or alkalinity of the urine. Urine can have an acidic or alkaline pH. The pH of the urine might change based on the dietary system, disorders, or medicines taken. A pH of 7 or above indicates that the urine is basic. If this level falls below 7, the urine has turned acidic.

The blood delivers protein to organs and tissues of the human body. The kidneys prevent the current protein from passing through and ensure that the protein remains in the blood. When the kidneys fail to perform this function, the protein enters the urine.

If the blood sugar level is above 140 milligrams for a long duration, the excess sugar in the blood is eliminated by the kidneys. Sugar can be found in the urine in these situations. Healthy people do not have sugar in their urine.

Urobilinogen levels in urine are an essential measure of human health, especially liver health. Urobilinogen levels in normal urine are low. There is liver dysfunction if there are little or no levels in the urine. If the urobilinogen level in the urine is higher than normal, liver disorders such as cirrhosis and hepatitis may be observed.


A hemogram is a blood test that reveals the quantity, proportions, sizes, and differences between blood cells. It is a commonly utilized test in the examination of bone marrow issues because cells in the circulation are often formed in the bone marrow. It also shows the general health status, the effects of the treatment process, or the level of the disease, if any.

The human body has two kinds of blood cells: white and red. White blood cells come in a variety of shapes and sizes. These cells are also known as basophils. Healthy adults have a modest number of basophil cells. When Baso levels are high, it is considered that there is a problem in the body.

Eosinophils are white blood cells. It serves vital functions in the human body. If the EOS levels are higher than normal, it is suspected that there is an abnormality in the body. The primary function of eosinophils is to identify parasites in the body and attack illnesses caused by these parasites.

The LYM cell is a type of white blood cell. It is a kind of leukocyte, also called a white blood cell. It functions as a part of the immune system. If it is higher than usual, it indicates that the body activates the immune system against disease.

It is one of the most important components of the body. They attack organisms and cancer cells that infect the body. High and low monocyte numbers indicate the presence of certain disorders. Whereas low monocyte levels are normally considered normal, they can indicate bone marrow problems. A high monocyte level ma indicates that the body is fighting cancer.

The bone marrow produces neutrophils in the human body. They enter the bloodstream after being created by the bone marrow and fight fungi and bacteria. Neutrophils are the first to arrive at an infected area in the human body. Low or high levels of these parameters can be signs of a variety of diseases.

Hematocrit is shortened as HCT. It refers to the proportion of red blood cells in the blood. Generally defined as red blood cells. It is low in situations of anemia, or a lack of oxygen and fluids.  High- and low levels might be indicators of some disorders.

HGB is a protein that has a high iron level in red blood cells. High or low values can indicate major disorders.

MCH refers to mean corpuscular hemoglobin. Each MCH value represents the average hemoglobin value found in a single red blood cell. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that delivers oxygen to tissues. Its low level is referred to as an iron deficiency. High values of MCH  show deficiency of B vitamins and folate.

The mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) is a term used to describe the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Low levels usually indicate iron deficiency. A high MCHC usually indicates a B12 deficiency, folic acid deficiency, or liver disease.

MCV refers to mean corpuscular volume. It represents the size of red blood cells in the body. Its high level implies that the red blood cells are larger than they should be. As a result, the capillaries split as they move through. If it is low, it means that the amount of oxygen delivered to the cells is less than normal.

MPV refers to the average size of the factors that cause blood clotting. It may be defined as the average platelet size in the blood. Blood clots and slows blood flow in circumstances such as injuries and wounds.

PCT is a blood test that determines the amount of procalcitonin in the body. Procalcitonin is a hormone that indicates the number and severity of bacterial infections in the human body. It identifies disorders including sepsis, which happens when an infection enters the blood. Viral infections do not raise PCT levels in the blood. Bacterial infections have the potential to raise the PCT score.

The platelet distribution range (PDW) describes the distribution range of platelets in the blood. It demonstrates the activity of the bone marrow as well as any abnormalities that may exist. Usually, the test is ordered as a consequence of unexplained nosebleeds, difficult-to-stop bleeding after injuries and wounds, easy bruising, and chronic redness.

Large cell platelet is known as PLCR. Different testing is required when the PLCR is high or low. The patient’s life is in danger if the PLCR value is low. It’s known as the main metric of human health. Because diseases that cause damage cause a decrease in PLCR values.

The thrombocyte or PLT helps to prevent bleeding by coagulating blood in hemorrhages. In healthy adults, platelets range between 150 and 450 thousand. The patient has a major life-threatening disease in both the low and high levels.

The RBC, also known as Erythrocyte, is a kind of blood cell. Its high levels imply that cells and tissues do not have adequate oxygen. Its function is to deliver oxygen and carbon dioxide from the lungs to the body’s cells.

It demonstrates that red blood cell diameters vary. The increase in these differences indicates the RDW’s high level. Many disorders can be indicated by low or high blood pressure. It should be checked with other blood values. RDW-CD is a formula that calculates the standard deviation as a percentage.

Red blood cells do not have the appropriate diameters and vary in size. Depending on the degree of these differences, several diseases may be detected. The RDW-SD function, commonly known as standard deviation or true measurement, indicates results in fL units.

WBC means white blood cells in the blood. In clinical medicine, it is also known as a leukocyte. It increases in proportion to the degree of infection in the body. Its function is to remove fungus, bacteria, and viruses from the body. Its intensity suggests a high level of risk, while its low level indicates a poor immune system.


One of the most significant blood tests is the biochemistry test. This test is known to induce many prevalent disorders. It's frequently used when metabolic and endocrine issues need to be discovered.

CRP is a protein that the body makes when it needs to defend itself. Its low concentration makes it easier to become sick. A high CRP level indicates an infection, stroke, heart attack, or tissue death that occurred recently. It has an increase in C-Reactive Protein. When CRP levels are high, inflammation is suspected. It can, however, be a sign of a variety of disorders, ranging from infection to cancer.

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