Gynecology | Obstetrics & Gynecology

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Obstetrics and Gynecology

Our hospitals provide services in many areas, from general diagnosis and treatment related to obstetrics and gynecology. From menopause and osteoporosis to birth control, from monitoring of risky and normal pregnancies to diagnosis and treatment of gynecological cancers and in vitro (IVF) treatment.

The health needs of all our patients are met by one health hospital, namely Avicenna International Hospital. They receive medical diagnostic and treatment services that meet all international standards. Our medical department offers qualified services and is informed thanks to public seminars in the departments that interest them.

What are obstetrics and gynecology?

The speciality “Obstetrics and Gynecology” is one of the branches of medicine which deals with gynecology and the female reproductive system. Gynecology includes diagnosis and treatment of all types of diseases of the female reproductive organs such as the uterus, cervix, vagina, vulva, tubes. The obstetrics department deals with monitoring the pregnancy and eliminating pregnancy problems. A diagnosis of female infertility, uterine imaging, ovarian follow-up, intrauterine insemination, and in vitro fertilization treatment are also of interest in this section.

In addition to gynecological diseases and pregnancy, this is a department that provides services with all the possibilities of modern medicine on topics such as pediatric gynecology, gynecological cancer, urogynecology, reproductive health, high-risk pregnancy, sexual dysfunction, menopause, gynecological operations.

What diseases does the obstetrics and gynecology department deal with?

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology monitors, diagnoses, and treats many gynecological diseases and pregnancy processes such as cesarean section and normal birth, diseases during the menstrual period, sexual dysfunction, infertility, vaginal problems, placental disorders, birth problems, pregnancy monitoring, miscarriage, uterine diseases, ovarian problems, birth control methods (contraception), external genitalia, cyst, and fibroid surgery.

The diseases that are treated and diagnosed in the department of obstetrics and gynecology are as follows:

General gynecological services

From puberty to menopause, medical services are provided for women of all ages, where all health problems are diagnosed and treated and routine control and preventive medical practices are successfully performed.

İnterventions like ultrasonography, cytosmear, colposcopy, and routine gynecological examinations for early diagnosis of gynecological cancers, inguinal pain, menstrual irregularities, especially infections causing gynecological diseases, are performed in the department of all our hospitals from the health group Avicenna.

Pregnancy and high-risk pregnancy follow-up services

One of the most important and sensitive periods in a woman’s life is pregnancy. At our hospitals, we stand by expectant mothers and work to ensure that they complete this process in a healthy way for both themselves and their babies.

From the first week of pregnancy to birth, all expectant mothers are monitored with ultrasound devices periodically. Routine diagnostic tests include examinations such as double test, fetal nuchal translucency measurement, triple test (triple screening), diabetes screening test, cervical length measurement, and fetal monitoring. Depending on the development of the pregnancy we are also performing successfully the options for normal birth, cesarean section, or birth with epidural anesthesia.

In the presence of diseases that define pregnancy as a high-risk one and that can cause complications during pregnancy, follow-up is performed by our experienced team of specialists in the department of obstetrics and gynecology together with specialists from other departments. The doctors, nurses, and the other medical staff in the neonatal intensive care unit accompany the mother during the birth and are ready to assist at any time when there is a possibility of health problems.


At Avicenna Hospital, we believe that after the follow-up process, part of our service is always to take care of all our babies as well as our mothers.

Thanks to our experienced staff of doctors and nurses we provide these services and constant care for all babies, with a sense of compassion. With our obstetric and pediatric outpatient services, babies are under the professional care of Avicenna both before and after birth.

Follow-up of menopause and osteoporosis

Menopause is one of the special periods in a woman’s life that needs to be emphasized with a scientific approach and sensitivity. The necessary treatments are carried out in the obstetrics and gynecology department of our hospital so that patients can go through this period healthily and comfortably. Specialists in this department plan treatment in close collaboration with other hospital departments to prevent osteoporosis (bone loss) that develops as a result of menopause.

Follow-up of gynecologic oncology

Gynecologic cancers and malignancies of the reproductive system pose a high risk, are studied in detail. Both surgical and medical treatment is applied.

IVF (In vitro fertilization)

Thanks to the in vitro method of fertilization, our medical staff with their long history and experience in their field puts a smile on the faces of couples who want to have a baby. In vitro fertilization, microinjection, embryo freezing, and surgical search for sperm (testicular sperm extraction) are performed as part of assisted reproductive techniques, especially traditional treatments for male and female infertility.


  • Periodic gynecological examinations
  • Breast disorders
  • Ultrasound examinations
  • Diagnosis and treatment of hormonal disorders
  • Cancer studies (ultrasound, blood tests, smear test/cervical screening, HPV test)
  • Personalized family planning methods (intrauterine device administration, birth control pills, sterilization attempts)
  • Premarital gynecological examination

Pregnancy and birth

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology provides the necessary examinations and information before pregnancy. The pregnancy process is monitored in detail and carefully, with special attention paid to the health of the mother and baby. It provides useful information for procreation with a healthy offspring, what needs to be done at birth, and intervention is taken if necessary. In addition, this section includes topics such as prevention of risks that may develop in consanguineous marriages, screening for genetic disorders, chromosome analysis. The services provided in this context can be summarized as follows:

  • Pre-pregnancy consultation, information, and examination;
  • Conducting the necessary laboratory tests to control maternal health
  • Detection of pregnancy from the 5th week with abdominal and/or transvaginal ultrasound and careful monitoring of the development process
  • Ultrasonographic screening for fetal abnormalities to detect familial birth defects or congenital problems in infants
  • Diet during pregnancy, double and triple quadruple screening tests, genetic tests, amniocentesis
  • Follow-up of the high-risk pregnancy of the expectant mother, whose problems are detected during pregnancy as a result of the tests
  • Providing support services such as the adaptation of the expectant mother during pregnancy in terms of mental, physical, and nutritional problems and preparation for childbirth
  • Monitoring the baby’s heart rate and detecting the well-being of the baby with a fetal monitor (NST) in the following weeks of pregnancy
  • Newborn care by a team of specialists
  • Determining the appropriate method of contraception after birth
  • Diagnosis of the causes of infertility


Diseases such as uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, and bladder sagging, which are common in women, are serious problems and should be treated. Depending on the intensity of the patients’ complaints, examinations, clinical evaluation, and urodynamic examinations are performed. The methods of treatment are determined depending on the patient and are as follows:

  • Medication treatment
  • Kegel exercises
  • Bladder training (behavioural therapy)
  • Exercise method with vaginal cones
  • Pessary
  • Botox
  • Operational method


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